
Our Bio Azienda Agricola

Our credo is Biodiversity.

Azienda Agricola GaiaSofia was established in 2016 aiming to recover abandoned ancient olive groves through organic farming methods. The olive trees grow on terraced slopes facing lake hereby benefiting from a unique microclimate. Our main cultivars are Leccino, Grignan and Casaliva.

From the very beginning we decided that GaiaSofia would not use products polluting both nature and people. Hence the natural choice of adopting the certified organic method of farming, enhanced with other techniques ranging from biodynamics to regenerative organic farming and permaculture. Our credo is Biodiversity.

GaiaSofia, with a current surface area of 5.5 hectares, is located at the foot of Monte Baldo, which is famous for its countless varieties of flowers, including wild orchids that bloom in May even among our olive trees, demonstrating our zero pesticide residue philosophy! The 2 of the 5.5 hectares contain 310 olive trees cultivated on terraces, most of which were planted more than 60 years ago, while others are more recent. We are introducing the vineyard, more specifically Souvigner Gris, a resistant variety that does not need, unless very occasionally, copper and sulphur treatments.

We do not use irrigation systems for our olive trees and vineyard, conscious of the value that water has. Grass and flowers in the pool area are watered with rainwater collected from the roof of the farmhouse, as well as the water we use for crops only as an emergency measure. In 2020 we joined the Small Local Productions of Veneto - Piccole Produzioni Locali Venete, so that we can use our small laboratory for bottling our precious oil and develop new productions in the near future.

+39 389 032 6278